Abstract/Symposium Submission

  • Track A: Political Commitment and Resource Mobilization
  • Track B: Private Sector Engagement in TB Control
  • Track C: Communities, Rights and Gender in TB
  • Track D: Childhood Tuberculosis
  • Track E: TB/HIV, Hepatitis, COVID, Diabetes etc
  • Track F: Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
  • Track G: Tuberculosis among Vulnerable Groups – Prisons, Nomads, Miners, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps etc
  • Track H: Tuberculosis Prevention and Infection control
  • Track I: Innovation in TB Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Track J: TB Treatment and Care in Adults
    1. Abstract Submission Guidelines : DOWNLOAD


  1. Symposium Submission Guidelines : DOWNLOAD

DEADLINE for Abstract Submission is 31st October 2024. Abstracts will be reviewed on rolling basis, and decisions will be conveyed to corresponding authors starting from 1st September 2024.