Sponsorship Categories and Benefits

20 Million
  • Goodwill Message during a Plenary Session
  • Video Documentary of the Company/Organization's Activities to be shown during Plenary Session (Maximum video length of 5 mins)
  • Session Host/ Co-Host (Session Duration is about 1:30 mins)
  • Exhibition Booth (Square Shape - Size is 3m by 3m)
  • Panelist during any of the Conference Sessions
  • Roll-up Banner stand inside the Main Conference Hall
  • Inclusion of Brochure or one publication of the Company/ Organization in the Conference Bag
  • Acknowledgement of Company/ Organization and inclusion of Logo in the Programme Booklet
10 Million
  • -
  • Video Documentary of the Company/Organization's Activities to be shown during Plenary Session (Maximum video length of 2 mins)
  • Session Host/ Co-Host (Session Duration is about 1:30 mins)
  • Exhibition Booth (Square Shape - Size is 3m by 3m)
  • Panelist during any of the Conference Sessions
  • Roll-up Banner stand inside the Main Conference Hall
  • Inclusion of Brochure or one publication of the Company/ Organization in the Conference Bag
  • Acknowledgement of Company/ Organization and inclusion of Logo in the Programme Booklet
5 Million
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Exhibition Booth (Square Shape - Size is 3m by 3m) out side the conference hall
  • Panelist during any of the Conference Sessions
  • Roll-up Banner stand inside the Main Conference Hall
  • Inclusion of Brochure or one publication of the Company/ Organization in the Conference Bag
  • Acknowledgement of Company/ Organization and inclusion of Logo in the Programme Booklet
2 Million
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Exhibition Booth (Square Shape - Size is 3m by 3m) out side the conference hall
  • Inclusion of Brochure or one publication of the Company/ Organization in the Conference Bag
  • Acknowledgement of Company/ Organization and inclusion of Logo in the Programme Booklet
    1. Opportunity to network with Special Guests and high-profile personalities from the government, international organizations, United Nations Agencies, private sector etc.
    2. Thousands of people will participate physically, and many more are expected to participate virtually.
    3. Conference will be broadcast on various social media platforms at the national and global levels.
    4. To apply for sponsorship, kindly complete this application and send to sponsorship@nationaltbconference.org